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Advanced Java - J2EE
Certification Training
We provide Online Instructor And Classroom Instructor led Live virtual classroom by certified trainers/ industry professionals
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About Course
J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is a Java platform designed for the mainframe-scale computing typical of large enterprises. Sun Microsystems (together with industry partners such as IBM) designed J2EE to simplify application development in a thin client tiered environment. J2EE simplifies application development and decreases the need for programming and programmer training by creating standardized, reusable modular components and by enabling the tier to handle many aspects of programming automatically. It full support is included for Enterprise JavaBeans. EJB is a server-based technology for the delivery of program components in an enterprise environment. It supports the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and has enhanced deployment and security features. Java Server Pages (JSP) is the Java equivalent to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages (ASP) and is used for dynamic Web-enabled data access and manipulationed Web Designer empowers and prepares you for your dream careers in IT sectors at home and abroad. The digital course materials including videos of the program are available in our USA and Singapore based servers. Our students have the freedom to access the study materials and learn from wherever and whenever they wish. This module spans for a period of 8 months and module is followed by an assessment test. Successful completion will earn you the much coveted CloudNet Certified Web Designer certificate from the Institute.
Key Features
You will get 100% job Assurance and life time e-placement support
classed taken by globally certified trainers
You will get 3 year Dedicated placement support
Courses are globally recognized & accredited

Course Type:
Certification Training
Live virtual classroom:
Regular classroom:
- Duration:
60 Hrs
- Enrolled:
105 Learners
- Eligibility:
Fresher 10th/10+2/Graduate with Java Programming Skill
- 5 Star:
15 Reviews
Advanced Java - J2EE Course Curriculum
- Distributed Multitier Applications
- J2EE Containers
- Web Services Support
- Packaging Applications
- J2EE 1.4 APIs
- Tomcat-Introduction
- Overview, installation, Configuring Tomcat
- Jboss server-Introduction
- Overview,installation and Configuration
- Comparison
- Basics and introductions,
- Building web applications
- Using Ant Tool
- What is Web Application?
- What Is a Servlet?
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Sharing Information
- Using Scope Objects
- Controlling Concurrent Access
- Getting Information from Requests
- Constructing Responses
- Filtering Requests and Responses
- Programming Filters
- Customized Requests and Responses
- Specifying Filter Mappings
- Invoking Other Web Resources
- Including Other Resources in
- The Response
- Transferring Control
- Accessing the Web Context
- Maintaining Client State
- Session Management
- Session Tracking
- Tracking Service Requests
- Notifying Methods to Shut Down
- Creating Polite Long-Running Methods
- JavaServer Pages Technology
- The Life Cycle of a JSP Page
- Translation and Compilation
- Creating Static Content
- Response and Page Encoding
- Creating Dynamic Content
- Using Objects within JSP Pages
- Expression Language
- Deactivating Expression Evaluation
- Implicit Objects
- Literals & Operators
- Reserved Words
- JavaBeans Components
- Reusing Content in JSP Pages
- Transferring Control
- Jsp: param Element
- Including an Applet
- Setting Properties for
- Groups of JSP Pages
- JSP scripting elements and directives-,
- Declarations, expressions, directives
- Java
- Scriplets, comments,actions,implicite
- JSP objects – Working with variable
- Scopes – page scope, request scope,
- Session scope, application scope- Using
- Java beens,custom tags, Declare Default
- Content Type, Set Default Buffer Size,
- JSTL,Expression Language
- What Is a Custom Tag?
- Types of Tags
- Tags with Attributes
- Tags with Bodies
- Tags That Define Variables
- Communication between Tags
- Tag Library Descriptors
- Declaring Tag Files
- Declaring Tag Handlers
- Declaring Tag Attributes for
- Tag Handlers
- Declaring Tag Variables for Tag Handlers
- Programming Simple Tag Handlers
- Including Tag Handlers in
- Web Applications
- Cooperating Tags
- Introduction
- Relational Databases
- Structured Query Language
- A Sample Program
- Transactions
- Meta Data
- Introduction to AJAX
- AJAX Components
- HTML & CSS, JavaScript & DOM
- XMLHttpRequest
- Server Side Code
- AJAX – JSP Application
- Ajax with Servlet and JSP
- XML and JSON for Ajax
- Database Application with Ajax
- Ajax libraries and Toolkits
- Markup Languages
- Why XML?
- XML Schemas
- XML Parsers
- Reply, Forward & Delete Mails
- Introduction
- Features and Architecture
- The MVC Design Pattern
- System State and Business Logic
- JSP Pages and Presentation Components
- ActionServlet and ActionMapping
- Struts Control Flow
- Building Model Components
- ActionForm Beans
- Forms and FormBean Interactions
- Automatic Form Validation
- Building Controller Components
- The ActionServlet
- ActionForm Classes & Action Classes
- The ActionMapping Implementation
- The Struts Configuration File
- Controller Configuration
- Module Configuration Files
- Add Struts Components To Your Application
- Validations Using Struts 2 Annotations
- Struts 2 with MySQL Database
- Struts 2 with AJAX , struts tags, Tiles Logging in Struts Applications
- Introduction to JSF
- JSF Features
- JSF for Web Application
- JSF components
- JSF Tags, Life Cycle & Architecture
- JSF Renderers
- JSF HTML Tag Reference
- JSF Core Tag Reference
- JSF Facelet Tag Reference
- JSF Navigation, JSF with Ajax
- Using JSF in JSP,JSF with Ajax
- Richfaces
- Apache My faces
- Introduction to O-R Mapping
- Hibernate Basics
- Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Configurations
- POJO (Plain Old Java Classes) classesand O/R Mapping
- Object Identifier
- One-to-One Association
- One-to-Many Association
- Many-to-One Association
- Many-to-Many Association
- Collection Mapping
- Component Mapping
- Inheritance Mapping
- Hibernate Query Language
- Criteria Queries
- Hibernate in Web Application
- Introduction
- Spring Core
- Dependency Injuction
- Aspect Oriented Programming
- Major concepts in Spring
- Spring Architecture
- Spring web MVC
- Installation Procedure
- Spring in Web Application
- Bean descriptor
- Spring and Struts
- Spring data access
- Spring using Hibernate
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