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Web Designer
Certification Training
We provide Online Instructor And Classroom Instructor led Live virtual classroom by certified trainers/ industry professionals
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About Course
CloudNet Certified Web Designer is a new edge Web Designing course using latest application and programs such HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery, Bootstrap & WordPress to design a Professional Website. This Web Designing Course helps students to achieve professional skill to design a responsive website.
This course aimed to develop fresher student into industry ready professional. This ambitious program is design by subject matter expert from different niche of IT industries to bridge the gap between supply of skilled manpower and increasing demand for same.
CloudNet Certified Web Designer covers today’s best programing technologies including HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, Bootstrap & WordPress
Upon successfully completion of this program, trainee students will get opportunity as a Web Designer, Web Mockup Designer and likes.
Key Features
You will get 100% job Assurance and life time e-placement support
classed taken by globally certified trainers
You will get 3 year Dedicated placement support
Courses are globally recognized & accredited

Course Type:
Certification Training
Live virtual classroom:
Regular classroom:
- Duration:
6 Months
- Enrolled:
105 Learners
- Eligibility:
10 / 10+2 / Graduate
- 5 Star:
15 Reviews
HTML 5 is a revision of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the standard programming language for describing the contents and appearance of Web pages.HTML5 was developed to solve compatibility problems that affect the current standard, HTML4. One of the biggest differences between HTML5 and previous versions of the standard is that older versions of HTML require proprietary plugins and APIs. (This is why a Web page that was built and tested in one browser may not load correctly in another browser.) HTML5 provides one common interface to make loading elements easier. For example, there is no need to install a Flash plugin in HTML5 because the element will run by itself.One of the design goals for HTML5 is to support for multimedia on mobile devices. New syntactic features were introduced to support this, such as video, audio and canvas tags.
Duration : 40 Hrs. Eligibility : Fresher 10th/10+2/Graduate
- Page Structure
- New HTML5 Structural Tags
- Page Simplification
- The Problems HTML 4 Addresses
- The Problems XHTML Addresses
- The New More Flexible Approach of HTML5 – Paving the Cowpaths New Features of HTML5
- The HTML5 Spec(s)
- Current State of Browser Support
- The section Tag
- The article Tag
- Outlining
- Accessibility
- Supported Media Types
- The audio Element
- The video Element
- Accessibility
- Scripting Media Elements
- Dealing with Non-Supporting Browsers
- Modernizr
- New Input Types
- Autocomplete
- Novalidate
- Required
- Placeholder
- Autofocus
- Autocomplete
- Form
- Pattern
- Datalist
- Progress and meter
- Overview of HTML5 Web Storage
- Web Storage
- Other Storage Methods
- Getting Started with Canvas
- Drawing Lines
- Color and Transparency
- Rectangles
- Circles and Arcs
- Quadratic and Bezier Curves
- Images
- Text
- Offline Application API
- Drag and Drop API
- Create Static Web Site
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language.With CSS, designers and users can create style sheets that define how different elements, such as headers and links, appear. These style sheets can then be applied to any Web page. The term cascading derives from the fact that multiple style sheets can be applied to the same Web page. CSS was developed by the W3C.CSS gives more control over the appearance of a Web page to the page creator than to the browser designer or the viewer.
Duration : 30 Hrs. Eligibility : Fresher 10th/10+2/Graduate with HTML Skill
Introduction to CSS 3
- Basic CSS3 Selectors Advanced CSS3 Selectors
- Border Image
- Box Shadow
- Text-Shadow Property
- Text-Stroke Property Multiple Backgrounds
- Column Rules
- Background Origin
- Background Resize
- CSS Gradientsn Column Rules Opacity Transitions Transform
- Animations
- Using CSS3 in Practical Layout
- Project Create Website with CSS Animation
JavaScript is an interpreted programming or script language from Netscape. It is somewhat similar in capability to Microsoft’sVisual Basic, Sun’s Tcl, the UNIX-derived Perl, and IBM’s REXX. In general, script languages are easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++. Script languages generally take longer to process than compiled languages, but are very useful for shorter programs. JavaScript is used in Web site development to do such things as Automatically change a formatted date on a Web page, Cause a linked-to page to appear in a popup window, Cause text or a graphic image to change during a mouse rollover etc.
Duration : 20 Hrs. Eligibility : Fresher 10th/10+2/Graduate with HTML/CSS Skill
Introduction to Client Side Scripting Introduction to Java Script
- Javascript Types Variables in JS
- Operators in JS
- Conditions Statements
- Java Script Loops JS Popup Boxes
- JS Events
- JS Arrays
- Working with Arrays
- JS Objects JS Functions Using Java Scriptin Realtime
- Validation of Forms
- Related Examples
jQuery is a concise and fast JavaScript library that can be used to simplify event handling, HTML document traversing, Ajax interactions and animation for speedy website development. jQuery simplifies the HTML’s client-side scripting, thus simplifying Web 2.0 applications development.jQuery is a free, open-source and dual-licensed library under the GNU General Public License. It is considered one of the favorite JavaScript (JS) libraries available today. As of 2012, it is used by more than half of the Web’s top sites. To implement jQuery, a web developer simply needs to reference the jQuery JavaScript file within the HTML of a webpage. Some websites host their own local copy of jQuery, while others simply reference the library hosted by Google or the jQuery server.
Duration : 20 Hrs. Eligibility : Fresher 10th/10+2/Graduate with HTML/CSS Skill
Introduction to jQuery
- jQuery Features
- Installing jQuery
- jQuery Syntax
- jQuery Ready Function
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Actions
- jQuery Custom Functionality
- jQuery Libraries
- jQuery Validation
- jQuery Slideshow
- jQuery Dropdownn jQuery UI
- Working with jQueryUIn jQuery Accordions
- jQuery Tabs
- jQuery Tooltips
- jQuery Autocomplete
Every web developer should know how to properly code a responsive website. Bootstrap 3 is an ultimate framework that learns you how to think when coding responsive websites and makes their creation much easier and faster. When I was learning Bootstrap 3, I was looking for a simple list of basic Bootstrap 3 classes with description and there were none – only a few lists for Bootstrap 2, without any description, therefore pretty useless for my intentions. So I created this list of Bootstrap 3 CSS classes with so much desired description – I hope it’s comprehensive. Keep in mind that it’s not a documentation, it’s just a quick hint to help you understand the meaning of each mentioned class.
Duration : 30 Hrs. Eligibility : Fresher 10th/10+2/Graduate with HTML/CSS Skill
- Bootstrap Scaffolding
- Bootstrap CSS
- Bootstrap Layout Components
- Bootstrap JavaScript Plugins
- Using Bootstrap
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.Features include a plugin architecture and a template system.WordPress users may install and switch between themes. Themes allow users to change the look and functionality of a WordPress website and they can be installed without altering the content or health of the site. Every WordPress website requires at least one theme to be present and every theme should be designed using WordPress standards with structured PHP, valid HTML and CSS.WordPress’s plugin architecture allows users to extend the features and functionality of a website or blog. WordPress has over 39,078 plugins available,each of which offers custom functions and features enabling users to tailor their sites to their specific needs.
Duration : 20 Hrs. Eligibility : Fresher 10th/10+2/Graduate with HTML/CSS Skill
- Foundations of a WordPress-based website
- Basics of the WordPress User Interface
- Finding and Using WordPress Plugins
- Working with WordPress Themes
- WordPress Content Management
- Creating and Managing Content
- WordPress based Sites
- WordPress Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Managing Multimedia with WordPress
- WordPress Site Maintenance
- WordPress Security
- Troubleshooting Common WordPress Problems
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